Uplifting women startups owners by providing tools to amplify their entrepreneurial skills

Women in Tech Scale Hub
A Women Startup Program Initiative

This program is aimed towards Women Entrepreneurs in Tech, Healthcare and Lifesciences, and Crafts.

Register Your Interest -
Women Startup Program

*Note - This form is only for expressing interest in the program. The actual application form is the final step in the registration process.

The Accelerator Phase of the Women Startup Program is curated over 3 months and is aimed towards women entrepreneurs operating in Technology and on the way towards Product-Market fit. This stage will offer specialized support and resources to tackle the distinctive challenges and capitalize on the opportunities that women encounter in the industry 

What to expect?


Product Innovation

Access to Capital and Grants

Leadership and Role Model Catch-ups

Tailored Growth Plans

Access to Industry Partners & Experts

Sustainable Growth

Gender Lens Acceleration Toolkit

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