Who We Are

NSRCEL is built by individuals and teams from diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and experiences. We are a diverse and thriving community that reflects a supportive environment that nurtures creativity and innovation.

Our culture is the only constant, binding us together and keeping us focused and driven. It’s what makes people want to come to work every day and go that extra mile. We house talent with diverse skills and behavioral traits and shape up to form an integral part of the whole.

These values were created as a bottoms-up north star. Team Members from across the organization were asked to provide inputs on what they feel NSRCEL is.

Our Values

NSRCEL | Founder Centric


For us, it is not just about accelerating companies, it is about giving the community the next generation of founders and change-makers. When deciding what to build, we wear the founders' shoes, to understand the world from their perspective and foster a space conducive to sustained entrepreneurial growth.

NSRCEL | Inclusive


We embrace human differences and recognize the power of building an inclusive culture of diversity because open conversations pave the way for growth. When we can be ourselves, anything is possible. Does that mean we have it perfect in terms of workforce diversity? No, but we are leaning towards being #BetterEveryday

NSRCEL | Collaborative


We have an unwavering commitment to collaboration and support one another to achieve a common goal with a multi-faceted team in place. We show consideration and regard for others; listen well and are open to ideas and input.

NSRCEL | Continuous Learning


We encourage curiosity and the spirit of continuous learning to stay ahead of curve, to help our founders reach their full potential and have an edge in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

NSRCEL | Agility


We like to work with people who colour outside the box. We embrace uncertainty and see that as an opportunity to push the boundary. We are inspired by the founders we work with - founders that are flexible, iterate, and basically just get stuff done.


NSRCEL | Hybrid Work Model

Hybrid Work

We offer our employees a Hybrid Work Model that gives them the flexibility to work out of the NSRCEL office or their homes as per their convenience.

NSRCEL | Health Coverage


Prioritize your well-being with comprehensive Health Insurance coverage - for good health at every step of the way.

NSRCEL | Mentorship and Coaching

and Coaching

Whether you need help navigating the workplace, exploring areas of interest and everything in between – at NSRCEL, we make sure you never walk alone through our Mentorship and Coaching programs.

NSRCEL | Learning Opportunities


Tap into a growth-conducive space where the learning never stops, with opportunities to access diverse learning initiatives, paving the way for continuous growth.

NSRCEL | Menstrual Leave


Fostering a culture that values your wellbeing and work-life balance with our Menstrual Leave policy.

NSRCEL | Paternity Leave


We offer Paternity Leaves for our employees allowing for a seamless transition into parenthood.

Meet the Team