Sustainability Incubation Program

Fostering ventures that spearhead innovative solutions to combat climate change and address various sustainability challenges

NSRCEL, in partnership with ALSTOM, is helping entrepreneurs with business models that enable successful shifts to sustainability solutions. The Sustainability Incubation Program helps startups build viable technology, favorable policy environment, and scalable go-to-market and revenue models that cater to climate-centric solutions.

Who is it for?

From better transit management to enhanced infrastructure and much more, We look to support business models addressing key problem areas across the space of sustainability with the following sectors in scope.

However, we are also keen on interacting with founders beyond the below scope, working on solutions that positively impact and improve the space of sustainability in India.

Eligibility Criteria

Should be in operation for less than 5 years

Should be Market Ready and ideally at a late traction stage

Solution should be Innovative, Scalable and ideally technologically driven

Should be incorporated in India

How the Program Helps you

Access to the grants as a part of an INR 1.5 Cr corpus fund for select ventures.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to apply?

Entrepreneurs with a validated, market-ready currently at a late traction stage, fulfilling the eligibility criteria listed above. However, if you are an entrepreneur with a revolutionary concept, we would like to have a conversation with you. 

Can a single founder apply to the program?

Yes. We accept applications from solo founders.

If I have applied in the past, can I apply again?

Sure, but to improve your chances of selection do highlight any additional information of your progress since your previous application.

When can I apply?

Applications are currently closed. 

What stage should the startup be in to be eligible?

Startups demonstrating the potential to innovate, implement and create impact in the innovation areas listed in the ‘Who is it for?’ section.

What startups can expect from the program?

Through the program, we look to help startups build organizational capacity for sustainability and expansion, lead them toward market pathways for revenue and profitability, and sharpen their business models and value propositions through the program.

Selected startups can also access virtual workshops, one-on-one mentoring sessions, masterclasses designed from a sustainability/mobility lens, peer learning activities, and other networking sessions with our network of advisors and community of founders.

Will startups receive funding?

The best startups will receive grants as a part of an INR 1.5 Cr corpus fund

What is the fee structure?

The program is free of cost

Do I need to be present for the entire duration of the program?

We recommend that at least one of the founders attend the sessions and activities organized as part of pre-incubation and Incubation, to benefit from the sessions and workshops designed specifically for the program.

How long is the program for?

Startups participating in the program will go approximately through a 6-month engagement which might vary based on the stage of the venture, progression, and need assessment.

How much equity does NSRCEL take from my startup?

We do not take any equity from the ventures that are a part of this program.

Program Partner

Ecosystem Partner